Cultural Aspects


         The original religion of Veddas is the Animism. The interior Veddas who follow Sinhala language suppose to follow a mix of animism and nominal Buddhism whereas the Tamilized veddas follow folk Hinduism. One of the most eminant  features of vedda religion is the worship of dead ancestors, these are termed as "nae yaku"(relative spirits) among the Sinhala Veddas.


          Recently, the raiment of the Veddas was remarkably scanty. Men was consisted only of a loincloth suspended with a string at the wast. For women, it was a piece of cloth that extended from navel to the knees. Today , however, veddas dress is more covering, men wear a short sarong extending from waist to the knees, while women similar to the Sinhalese " Diya-redda" which extends from the breast line to the knees.


       Cave drawings of Veddas such as those found at Hamangala, provide graphic evidence of the excellence of the human spirit and artistic vision achieved by the ancestors of today's Wannila-aetto people. Most investigators today agree that the artists most likely were the Wanniyala-atto women who spent long hours in these caves waiting for their men folks return from the hunt.


       Bori Bori sellam - sellambedo wanniya
         palle thalawe navinna - pita gosin vetenne
         Malpivilli genagena - thige haliskote peni
         ka tho ipal denne

(A vedda honeycomb cutter's folk song)
Meaning:-  The bees from younder hills of palle thalawa and kade suck nectar from the flowers and made the honeycomb. So,why should you give them undue pain when there is no honey by cutting the honeycomb.

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